What's Your Sleep Style? 🤔 How To Choose a Dog Bed Just Fur You!

You hoomans always say that us doggos sleep a lot. But honestly, if you look at my schedule, you’ll see that my day can get just as busy as yours.
For starters, I am a professional greeter who gives an Oscar-worthy performance every time a family member comes home. Then, I’m a guard dog. Always warning you if delivery guys or posties are heading in the yard.
And don’t forget that I'm a high-performance athlete. I sprint after balls, frisbees and sticks, chase other dogs, plunge in creeks, the list goes on.
Oh, and I’m also an entertainer who makes you laugh and a snuggly companion who cheers you up when you’ve got the blues.
Small wonder then, when I get an hour (or twelve) to myself I like to have a really good snooze. But, as any pooch will tell ya, to have a good kip you have to have a good bed. One that you can sprawl, snuggle or spoon in depending on prefurence.
Kazoo has beds for every kind of dog. Round beds, side support beds, high beds, mattress style beds and super luxe beds. So, whenever I’m feeling tired, anxious or just need to press paws, I climb into my bed and escape to the land of nod for a few hours of rabbit-filled dreams.
But don’t just take my bark for it... check out these styles of dog beds and how they guarantee days and nights of comfy slumber.
Night night... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

I’m a bit of an anxious chap. So, when I go to bed, I don’t just want to be on it. I want to be in it. I mean buried nuzzle deep in the snuggly high walls and soft faux fur. That’s what I feel at my most secure.
Of course, being highly-strung, I still try to sleep with one eye open, but this Peacock bed is just so damn comfortable, I always end up closing both.

I’m a seriously active dog, always chasing, chasing, chasing. Balls, stick, frisbees, interesting scents, you name it, I’ll chase it. These legs were built for running, and that’s just what they’ll do.
I’m so active, I even chase stuff in my sleep. And that’s why I need a bed that gives me plenty of room to sprawl. Cause if I can’t move my legs while I’m dozing, then how the hell can I catch my dream rabbit?

What could be bedder than the ulti-mutt Cosy Nook bed with its memory foam base and comfy curved walls to spoon me while I sleep?
Sharing it with someone I love. That’s why you’ll always find me and Keith snuggled up safe and warm in the same Kazoo bed. Even though mum bought us two. Sorry mum!!!

I love to sleep. But I hate to miss out on anything that’s going on. I can’t go for walkies if I ain’t wakies!
And that’s why these Kazoo al fresco beds are the pawfect solution for me. I can slumber quietly on the sunny deck in comfort and security and chase rabbits in my sleep. but then I can wake up and chase ‘em for real.
Never manage to catch ‘em though. Grrrr!!!!
So there you have it, the ultimate beds for any barker. Leave us a comment and let us know your sleeping style, if you're not too tired that is. 🥱
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